Trees are amazing.

Hi everyone, today I will be talking about trees and facts about them.


Here is my poster,

This poster talks about my first fact 1. How trees talk to each other after one is bit by an animal to release sap.

Also here are nine other


  1. Trees remove pollution from the atmosphere, improving air quality and human health
  2. Office workers with a view of trees report significantly less stress and more satisfaction.

4.One large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people.

5.Trees lower surface and air temperatures by providing shade. Shaded surfaces may be 20–45°F cooler than the peak temperatures of unshaded materials.

6.During one year, a mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.

7.In Baltimore, a 10% increase in tree canopy corresponded to a 12% decrease in crime.

8.The mature street trees in Beverly Hills, California, are worth $450 million.

9.In Portland, Oregon, homes with street trees sold for $7,130 more, on average, and 1.7 days more quickly.

10.In Fulton County (Atlanta), Georgia, mature trees positively influenced home sale prices. Homes sold for nearly $105,000 more in neighborhoods with mature trees.

Here are some questions to ponder.

  1. Why is it important to learn about trees and forests and the benefits we receive from them? I think it’s important to learn because then you can help and know all the great things they do for us and help us.
  2. Who is responsible for conserving forests? I think first of all it’s the state and their own choice to see how to conserve but also each individual to keep the p,aces clean and conserve.
  3. What are you doing to help? I’m using less paper towels and not using much paper. I’m also reusing conserving and other resources. 
  4. How can you encourage others. You can lead by example and show how helpful trees are.


Thank you.


A tree book

  1. What is the title of your story? The very hungry caterpillar 
  2. Who is the author? Eric carle
  3. Who are the main characters? The very hungry caterpillar 
  4. What is the plot or storyline of the story? (a short summary is fine here) The caterpillar is very hungry and keeps eating and eating not healthy food and feels sick but when he eats a leaf and he feels better and becomes a butterfly.
  5. What role do trees play in the story? The thing that helped the caterpillar in feeling well, having an egg there, and a cocoon.
  6. What is the central conflict of the story? The caterpillar was very hangry and kept eating till a tummy ache.
  7. What is the outcome or solution to the conflict? He eats a tree leaf and becomes a butterfly 
  8. How are trees used in the story? (main character, prop for action, metaphor or symbol?)  they serve as a home and a food source
  9. What is the overall message that is conveyed in the story? Don’t eat until you feel sick
  10. What should readers learn from reading this story? Don’t eat until you’re sick
  11. Take a picture of the cover or a page of your book- add it to your blog.

Another tree book

Choose a story from the selections provided.

Read the story.

Answer the following questions and post on your blog.

You may work with a partner, but you will each need to write a blog post.


  1. What is the title of your story? The grouchy ladybug
  2. Who is the author?  Eric Carle
  3. Who are the main characters? The grouchy ladybug
  4. What is the plot or storyline of the story? (a short summary is fine here). The grouchy ladybug wanted to fight evryone and underestimated them but then was tired and realized it was ok to be nice.
  5. What role do trees play in the story? A place to eat
  6. What is the central conflict of the story? The ladybug wants to fight evryone and is mean
  7. What is the outcome or solution to the conflict? The grouchy ladybug fights a whale that shows him that he shouldn’t fight.
  8. How are trees used in the story? (main character, prop for action, metaphor or symbol?) a place to eat 
  9. What is the overall message that is conveyed in the story?  Don’t get into fights 
  10. What should readers learn from reading this story? Don’t pick fights
  11. Take a picture of the cover or a page of your book- add it to your blog post.                  

Smoky the Bear

Hi everyone here is the story of Smokey the bear.

Smokey the bear lived in a place in New Mexico where the land was beautiful and spacious and so smokey the bear cup loved to play. One day an evil careless human tossed a match, cigarettes or others.  This tiny fire started a crisis and spread faster than any animal could run and damaged everything in sight. People rushed to the fire and tried to put it out but couldn’t. Then the fire finally stopped after several days. All the remains left was a frightened, hurt,sad bear cub hanging on a burned tree. The people took the cub in their care and helped him recover from his injuries. They eventually made him the face to stop wildfires and was well known and his story was everywhere. He is a great inspiration and a great story.

My Tree Update

Hi everyone,

Today I’ll be talking about a tree I selected and will talk about it.

My tree hasn’t changed a bit since I first looked at it is a very nice dead tree /stick but still is nature.

Now I will talk about my name, Ethan.

It means a strong person and long-lived. Sounds like a great name. A great name that I will give my tree is Ethan jr. This is great and this tree will live long and be strong and stay strong. This is also my name.

I also found a rabbit close to my tree!

No I will name my rabbit, hidden because of it’s hiding and it hid far from my sight.

In a book we are reading in the LA wish tree, it talks about optimists and pessimists.

Optimists are people who are positive and think in the future, pessimists are negative thinkers and never think well. I personally am a pessimist. I never think great. I always say “there is no possible way” for anything. Weather it’s for class,sports,or any little thing. Thank you for listening.

My Tree Book.

Hi viewers,

Today I will be talking about a project I did in Language Arts.

It is called the Tree Book. This was a project about poetry, artwork, and more. We painted words on our tree book on to cardboard making a beautiful outer tree. We brayered ink to make designs with flowers and naturals from outside. We folded our books to help it stand up , and coulouged our book with fun stuff with glue. We couldn’t of done this without the help of Mrs. Gignoux and he is the link for her website.

Below you will see my tree book.

We worked on this for about a month. There were three different writing pieces to this here they are.




By:  Ethan Asnani


My father is inspiring. He teaches me to find my passion in life and succeed. He teaches me every day about life and how hard and difficult it is. He’s there to help along the way. But one day I’ve got to wake up and want to do something so badly that I’d do anything for it. We would have lectures that would inspire me and I remember times where he would talk about his struggles in life and how he overcame them.

And for that I owe a lot to you dad thank you.


My mom is amazing! She is always willing to help with my struggles and is willing to help and fix them. She’s there for fun, help, kindness,and love. Once I broke my wrist and she was there to rush me to urgent care and is there for so many things on an endless list. She teaches me to be my best self. I love her very much and I owe her a lot.


My dida is great! She teaches me about her culture and holidays. She helps me learn her language too. She makes my life interesting and cool when I’m listening to her talk about her life in India. Once she told me about a time that she would make food and feed the monkeys in India. Thank you for making my life cool and interesting Dida!


 My sitter, Mrs.Dawn, is awesome. She is always there when I need her and when my parents are at work. She is very kind and loving. She’s helped since I was five years old. She taught me how to love reading, writing, and math. Some of the memories I have are when she helped me become a better student and to like school. We would work through a math notebook or read a book together and that helped me love school. This skill has taken me a long way and for that I am thankful.

Next is the second one.


Branches, Reaching Toward the Sky

My Wish Tree

By: Ethan Asnani


My hopes, dreams and goals are:

  1. Travel the world. I want to learn about different cultures and different places.

  2. Find my passion in life so I can enjoy my life and have a good job.

  3. Graduate college. To have a good job and a good education.

  4. Get a good job. To enjoy my life and make a living.

  5. Get the COVID vaccine. To get back to normal and enjoy life again.

  6. To get back to normal. To enjoy and live life to the fullest.

  7. Have my allergies go away so I don’t have to worry about them and live a little less cautiously.

  8. Not be bald when I grow up. So I have hair and don’t have to feel wind on my head.

  9. Be the best at what I do. Live an enjoyable life and make a living.

  10. Donate to charity. Support the community and do good deeds.


My hopes and dreams for the world are world peace so we can have a less cautious life and to not worry about other people hurting us and to live in a kind world. I also would love to get back to normal life because then I can do things I love and travel for fun to see the world. Another thing is I wish we could respect every single person the same way and no one would feel horrible about anything. Again we also need to have justice and hold everyone responsible for their actions. Lastly I would love a world without weapons and injurable objects to create a better world.



My last one is this one.


When This Is Over

By Ethan Asnani

When this is over ,

May we never again take for granted

A high five

Going to a game

Talking in person

People on the street

Seeing the faces of people we care for

The stocked goods in a store

Playing with friends

Eating at a restaurant

Vacations without fear

People piling up

Waiting in line

Lending a hand

The times together.


When this ends,

I will keep

How to care

Help the community

See the struggles

And see

How to

Make a difference

Make a change

Because we saw

the worst and we made it


 I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you.



Hi today we will be talking about fingerprints. In class we did an activity to find out more about our fingerprints here are mine.

Here are some facts about fingerprints.

1. Some people are born without fingerprints
2. Koalas have fingerprints too.
3. You can loose your fingerprints
4. Identical twins have different fingerprints.
5. The scientific name for fingerprints are dermatology.
6. Removing your fingerprints are very difficult.
7. Ancient fingerprints have been preserved for thousands of years.
8. Once the police ordered the whole town to submit there  fingerprints.

Some science if it is… A fingerprint is formed when a finger makes contact with a surface. The finger leaves behind traces of sweat and any other substances present on the finger that a suspect might have touched. These substances are deposited in the characteristic pattern of the ridges present on the finger tip of the donor.

Thank you

Stock Market Game

Today I will be talking about the Stock Market project my LA class is doing. The reason for this project is to use a spread sheet, and a character from a mystery book we are reading is addicted to the Stock Market and thinks it’s the way to find the murderer in the Westing game a book I recommend to all. The object of the game is to make the most money. These are the Stocks we bought.
I bought Disney because I have seen  Disney+   and they are doing well. Sony for PS’s. Amazon for the pandemic ordering online and Whole Foods. Tesla because my partners Harrison and Evan chose is and went up. Game stop and Labs for money to fill in the 20k that we had to spend in total we spent $199.45. This is our logo. I am working with two partners Harrison and Evan.

After our first week we were down -488.41 but in 2nd place. We will continue this project for the rest of the school year an will update you on our stocks.

Lady or the Tiger

Our class read Lady or the Tiger story the story link at the bottom and in the story no ending was provided so here is min

Without the slightest hesitation he went to the door on the right and opened it. And there was the tiger though not acting tigeristicy though having tea with the lady.

“ oh hello jack pip pip” said the tiger.  Um um um um um said. Jack. “Oh jolly good I will be off to London now got to catch the trolly right” said the tiger. Ok just spare me. Said Jack. Oh I don’t people I eat crumpets by the way do you have some. Said the tiger. “ now we ring the bells of marriage to the princess. Woooooooooi love weddings party party party!,!, yay said jack. Hope you good crazyclacker king you good with princess marriage to jack. Oh jolly good I will be off now byeeeeeeeee.Have a good marrygadarvy day. The british Tiger got on the bus and headed off the the air port and evryone lived happily ever after. Yayay jolly good.

NFL Week 14 Scores

Hi today we will be looking at some scores from the past week of football.

Las Angeles Rams over the New England Patriots 24 to 3

Kansas City Chiefs over the Miami Dolphins 33 to 27

Denver Broncos over the Carolina Panthers 32 to 27

Seattle Seahawks over the New York Jets 40 to 3

Philadelphia Eagles over the New Orleans Saints 24 to 21

Buffalo Bills over the Pittsburgh Steelers 26 to 15

Chicago Bears over the Houston Texans 36 to 7

Dallas Cowboys over the Cincinnati Bengals 30 to 7

Arizona Cardinals over the New York Giants 26 to 7

Tampa Bay Buccaneers over the Minnesota Vikings 26 to 14

Tennessee Titans over the Jacksonville Jaguars 31 to 10

Indianapolis Colts over the Oakland Raiders 44 to 27

Green Bay Packers over the Detroit Lions 31 to 24

Las Angeles Chargers over the Atlanta Falcons 20 to 17

Washington Football Team over the San Francisco 49ers 23 to 15

Baltimore Ravens over the Cleveland Browns 47 to 42

Photo by me

Thanks for reading I will be back with predictions for next week.

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